
How to make a facebook.

This certainly has a lot of who wrote it everywhere, more precisely how to register an account on facebook, as is increasingly Boming with the up. What's up? Up is one of the largest social networking barzah this virtual nature. Along the development of existing features within Facebook, the more fun we bermanjaria with Facebook. nah, in this case someone had asked me via email how do mebuat facebook? With a heavy heart I am happy to try to answer it, although tetep course I asked google first, who's peering nonggol at the top with the keywords how to make a facebook. Finally for my friends who asked, here is the answer.

The first step is to point the browser to the website buddy On the first page alone has provided Form to join (Sign Up) with up. from there buddy can see for yourself that up is "It's free and anyone cans join" so anyone pal, pal wherever located, can join without exception.
Here, my friend asked to fill in the form in accordance with the required data. Start Full Name (Full Name) charge in accordance with first and last name mate, came to sex and place of birth date pal and Password that will be used to mate Login to Facebook. In the Your E-mail, fill it with a valid email that my friend had (do not use email at random). After all filled, live buddy click the Sign Up button that is green.