
Messages Habibie, Suharto, who Always Remember

Former President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie never get the message of the New Order ruler who is also the second Indonesian president, Suharto, Habibie served as president before. Until now, the message is still remembered.

"President Soeharto once told me, you can make anything in Indonesia is true because of God. But you do not make poor people's revolution," he said, at the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, South Tangerang, on Thursday (16 / 3 / 2011).

Habibie also explained that during 32 years of Suharto appointed him to be treated like a prima donna. That, she admitted causing disaffection of the nation's leaders at that time.

"I am sad, why I rejected the report at that time. Though not yet had time to read. If you've read and accepted or rejected it acceptable,"he recalled plenary session of Parliament.

Since that time lah, Habibie admitted reluctantly nominated to be president again. However described, his attitude was not because he is a coward and did not dare to lead the people of Indonesia.

"But I reiterate once again, I am not a coward though my body is small," he said.

Nevertheless, Habibie said he did not hold a grudge against the politicians who have refused to report in plenary session. "I'm sorry that there are figures," he explained.