Computer Components
In general the 2 things that really affect a computer is hardware and software. If we discuss about the components of a computer so automatically we will talk about hardware. Hardware itself largely divided into 3 areas:
1. Input section
2. Processing equipment
3. Output section
Now the above items will be discussed one by one!
1. Input section
For its part, common computer components we need to know is:
A. Keyboard
The keyboard is a device that is usually placed in front of computer screens and functions as input data from the outside by way of typed on the keyboard. I'm sure most of you surely know this component. Usually resembles a typewriter keyboard manual (for the composition of laying the letter). Currently, the market has been circulating system by adopting a wireless keyboard. And usually more expensive when compared with ordinary keyboard. The types of keyboards on the market today for more detailed information is: Serial, PS / 2, USB and wireless. Then some brand keyboards in the market including: Logitech (usually the price is most muahal to market in Indonesia), Accer, Komic and much more.
B. Mouse
I personally never saw a friend with a computer to play smoothly using only the keyboard without the need for a mouse. But if you're a normal human being, and do not want tired memorize the secret button on the keyboard that can be used as a mouse, it seems your computer must have to have a mouse.
Own mouse pointer berfungi to drive on your computer screen. In the presence of the mouse it will be easier for us to adjust the position of the pointer in accordance with our wishes quickly. The characteristics of a good mouse is having a very high sensitivity and do not require a complex treatment (bias and wireless optical mouse that has this requirement, do not use the mouse manual that should be routinely cleaned to remove dust.) Brand mouse that I like is the Logitech (because of durable, reliable, good sensitivity, and have a good shift, but a little bit more expensive in terms of price).
C. Floppy Disk Drive
It is a hardware that connects to the computer diskettes, So you want to transfer data from one computer to another using a floppy, then this is where you should insert the floppy. But for today's disk usage eroded by the development of computer technology. Because the size of CDs and floppy disks almost can save only a smaller memory, then diskiet been abandoned by most users. While this trend means that more is to use flash.
D. Scanners
I think this is a very rarely used by people, as well as for their owners (often there are people who have a computer and also have a scanner machine, yes .... As I was anyway ....). It is therefore not surprising at all to use this tool dirental services then you will be charged a pretty pretty expensive, which is approximately USD $ 1000.00 per scan. For now mostly found in scanner with a port connecting to a computer using a USB model.
E. Optical Devices
For those of you who like to watch the service packages (do not want to go to the movies, but enough to buy his movie "in perparah with pirated movies") then the tool must have on your computer. Here are some types of optical computers that can be customized to your needs:
(1). CD ROM, is the optical instrument reading from the CD input. The drawback of this tool is not able to rewrite on the CD (insert the data to a CD).
(2). CD RW, are optical devices that can serve to read and rewrite files CD. With this tool you can create a CD with insert a file into it.
(3). Optical DVD, is a tool whose function is similar to the CR ROM, except that if the CD ROM to a CD then Optical DVD to read DVDs and CDs.
(4). DVD RW (DVD COMBO), can be used for all types of applications related to good optics is used for CD or DVD.
F. Device Process
In this section are generally tools that make computer why they're expensive. In the central part called the CPU (Central Processing Unit) which is the main and most important unit processes in the computer that controls the entire process from data processing equipment to read data from input, process or process until the release of information (output) to the output equipment.
Some of the important tools that exist in the CPU include:
»Memory (more familiar to the ear with RAM)
»Mainboard (aka pension Usually the fastest-damaged), if likened to living things, maybe the mainboard can be said as a body. Since the mainboard many critical components are placed as the processor (and fan), RAM, VGA etc.
»Processors (AMD or Intel), you could say this is otanya computer. For a more current processors are Core 2 Duo ngetrend and the level above it.
On the CPU itself consists of three functional parts that need to be considered in the use of computers:
Function registers store data to be processed in the ALU.
CU (Control Unit) functions to control all other equipment
ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) function does all processes that require mathematical calculations and logical comparisons
G. Output Equipment
For the output is basically divided into:
Visual display, in this case, the monitor plays a very important. In the visual appearance on the monitor is strongly influenced by the capacity of the VGA.
Output in the form of voice, no other sure most of you already know the speaker. For computer speakers. ect....